Winter is still going strong with sun, rain, snow and hail all in the same afternoon. “When will I be able to get out there and do something?” seems to be a common theme we have heard in 2023. This last summer and fall were tough on all crops. The longer growing season reduced the ability to recover and asked a lot out of stands.

As you make another cup of coffee looking out the window, wondering what you can do, take a deep breath, get your boots on and go for a walk. We like to call this forage footsteps. The absolute most important thing your pasture needs right now is your shadow! Have your shadow on the field means two important things are happening #1 the sun is shining and #2 you are out scouting.

While on this walk you should be looking for the usual hazard’s such as, branches, fencing, debris etc. anything that can cause damage to equipment or animals.  On this walk you should also scout for pests, taking note of weeds that are being seen, and weakened areas or bare spots. Successful pest management starts with control of weeds early. A strong stand can provide a great defense against pests.

Use maps to identify areas via paper, phone or app. These can provide great tools for pest management and during harvest. The simple act of isolation increase quality of your crop. If only few small areas have problems why let it effect the whole crop? Now may be time to consider over seeding weak areas with new seed. The addition of new life will provide the opportunity to increase species diversity, and improving competition.

When selecting seed think about what you want out of your pasture… Is it for grazing? hay? Maybe it is for both? Knowing the purpose of your pasture can change your species selection. Fescues, Ryegrasses and Orchardgrass all come with their own unique traits and ability to provide forage. It is important to have consistent growth and the ability to recover in any setting. A strong pasture makes strong forage!


Written by:

Brandon Bishop

International Operations lead  

Ioka Marketing